NZWA Stallions

NZWA Stallions: Search Results

Chacco Silver

(IMP Germany)

NZWA Rating
  • 1 Star
Birth Year2008
Height (cm)178
BreedingChacco-Blue / Cellestial / Sir Caletto
Studbook of Birth
  • Old
Licensing DetailsLicensed with the NZWA March 2018, Gerd Keust: 86.3% EXCELLENCE
Approved For
  • NZWB
Country of BirthGermany
  • Show Jumping
  • Fresh / Chilled
  • Frozen
Stud Fee$2,300

Chacco Silver - By World's No. 1 ranked ShowJumper

Chacco Silver is one of a rare bunch of stallion sons of the famous Chacco Blue who, in 2017 was No 1 Jumping Stallion in the World rankings. He is line bred on both sides to arguably the world's most influential stallion Cor de La Bryere.

Before having to be prematurely retired from competition through a stable injury Chacco Silver showed extraordinary athleticism, scope and ability over jumps. He was truly an international jumping prospect.

Stamping Progeny with Quality and Temperament

A beautiful imposing grey stallion,  he has wonderful movement and a terrific temperament. He has always been easy to handle and is exceptionally trainable as his progeny are also proving to be.

His oldest progeny are rising 6 and showing all the quality of their sire.

Chacco Silver is a very exciting stallion who is proving himself to be an 'improver'. He seems to strongly stamp his progeny and is proving to sire great quality from all types of mares.

Premium New Genetics

We are confident that Chacco Silver is introducing wonderful new genetics and type to jumping horse breeding in NZ. He didn't win the 2018 Stallion Classification by accident, scoring over 86% from an experienced German assessor who considered him outstanding and candidly admitted that had the stallion been fit to loose jump higher, he would have scored even higher.

If you want to breed a pre-eminent jumping horse, Chacco Silver is your man! 

Stud Master: 
William Willis
Matawhio Sporthorses Ltd.
56 B Bryant Rd Karaka, Auckland 2580

T:    09 292 7819
M:   021 154 2311



Categories: NZWA Stallions, 1-StarNumber of views: 9960



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