NZWA Stallions

NZWA Stallions: Search Results

Corofino II

(IMP Germany)

NZWA Rating
  • 4 Star
Birth Year1997
Height (cm)170
BreedingCorrado I / Fernando I / Lord
Studbook of Birth
  • Holst
Licensing Details30 day test in Schlieckau, Hanoverian via Sport 2011
Approved For
  • NZWB
  • Hann
  • Holst
Country of BirthGermany
  • Show Jumping
  • Frozen
Stud Fee$2,700

Please note - Corofino II is no longer standing at stud to the public but his progeny are eligible for NZWA Passports.

Corofino II - Outstanding from the start

Corofino II is from an internationally successful family by the champion sire Corrado I.

Corofino II has an outstanding European jumping record with 10 wins and placings at international level. He has also won and placed at National 4*  level.

He came to NZ with a total of 28 wins and 105 placings. He jumped over 90% clear rounds.

His family includes his brothers Corofino I, sire of Russell and Corlato (Olympians); Camiros (Grand champion at approvals); his mother's brother, top ranked sire Coriano (by Corrado); his mother's sister's son, the very popular Crawford (by Corrado); and also directly from this family is Diarado (also Grand Champion at approvals).

His oldest stock are 7 year olds and he has 5 horses already winning and placing at S level (1.50m). They have mostly been ridden by amateur riders and are described as easy to ride, careful, and with the same scope as their father. His daughters in the mare tests have scored incredibly high in free jumping. In 2007/2008 he was in the top 1% of all SJ sires. In the current index the top 1% cut off was 153, Corofino II scored 151 which has him with the 11th best score of the Holsteiner sires.

Stud Master: 
Sharleen Workman
Xtreme Sport Horses Ltd.
62 Adington Rd 



Author: Jevan Super

Categories: NZWA Heritage StallionsNumber of views: 5196



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