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NZWA Announces Studbook Restructure

Changes to the NZWA Registries and Stud Books

Friday, July 30, 2021

NZWA Studbook Restructure
Stud Book  - for breeding stock over 3 years of age approved for breeding by way of inspection / classification or licensing – these can be stallions or mares.
Register – A register of all horses including youngstock and geldings and stock not yet approved for breeding.
Current Studbook and Registry Rules as at July 2021:
Stud Books - There is currently one Mare Stud Book and one Stallion Stud Book,  a Pony Stud Book and also a Foundation Stud Book (For WB and Arab Foundation Stock).  To be eligible for the stud book the horse must first be entered into or eligible for the Full Register (or for ponies the Pony Register).  A DNA profile (Parent Verified where possible) is required to enter the stud book.
Registries – There are currently three registries:
Full Register (Formerly Blue Papers):  
For horses with at least 25% Warmblood breeding, and no more than 7% blood that is either non Warmblood, Thoroughbred or Arab and that:
a) are sired by a stallion that is in the Studbook (or approved overseas) or 
b) are sired by an unlicenced stallion but have themselves passed a foal inspection or classification with a score over 75%.
NB:  DNA is required only for Frozen Semen and Embryo Transfers.  Chilled semen needs a Certificate of Service.  The mare does not have to be in the stud book.
Derivative Register (Formerly Grey Papers):  
For horses with at least 25% warmblood breeding that:
a)  are by an unlicensed stallion, and / or, 
b)  have more than 7% blood other than the allowable WB / TB / Arab, and / or,
c)  are by a licenced pony stallion but out of a mare that precludes acceptance into the Pony Register
Pony Register:  For ponies with 25% warmblood pony breeding that
a) are by a licenced pony stallion
b) are out of pony mares from the breeding population allowable under the NZ Warmblood Pony Rules
New Stud Book and Registry Structure – Effective September 1st 2021
Mare Stud Book – Mare must be over 3 years of age and
a) be in the NZ Warmblood Register #1 and be inspected and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or,
b) be registered with another studbook, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #1, and be inspected and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or,
c)  have been inspected and approved into another Warmblood Stud Book, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #1, and have her scores transferred to the NZ Warmblood Mare Stud Book upon approval from the NZWA Committee and with an acceptance fee paid.
d)  be DNA profiled and Parent Verified 
Mare Pre-Stud Book – Mare must be over 3 years of age and
a)  be in the NZ Warmblood Register #2, or Derivative Register #1, and be inspected and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or,
b) be registered with another studbook, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #2, or Derivative Register #1, and be inspected and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or,
c)  have been inspected and approved into another Warmblood Stud Book, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #2, or Derivative Register #1, and have her scores transferred to the NZ Warmblood Mare Pre-Stud Book upon approval from the NZWA Committee and with an acceptance fee paid
NB All Mares in the Pre Stud Book must be DNA profiled, and Parent Verified (where possible).
Stallion Stud Book – Stallion must be over 3 years of age and
a) be in the NZ Warmblood Register #1 and be licensed and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or
b) be registered with another studbook, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #1, and be licensed and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or
c)  have been licensed and approved into another Warmblood Stud Book, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #1, and have his scores transferred to the NZ Warmblood Stallion Stud Book upon approval from the NZWA Committee and with an acceptance fee paid.
d)  be DNA profiled and Parent Verified 
Stallion Pre-Stud Book – Stallion must be over 3 years of age and
a)  be in the NZ Warmblood Register #2, or Derivative Register #1 and be licensed and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or 
b) be registered with another studbook, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #2, or Derivative Register #1 and be licensed and approved for breeding by the NZWA, or
c)  have been licensed and approved into another Warmblood Stud Book, still meeting the criteria of NZ Warmblood Register #2, or Derivative Register #1 and have his scores transferred to the NZ Warmblood Stallion Pre-Stud Book upon approval from the NZWA Committee and with an acceptance fee paid
NB All stallions in the Pre Stud Book must be DNA profiled, and Parent Verified (where possible).
Pony Stud Book – For Pony mares and stallions following the Current NZ Warmblood Pony rules
NZ Warmblood Foundation Stud Book – 
a)  For Thoroughbred / Arabian and Anglo-Arabian stallions that have been licensed and approved for breeding by the NZWA to breed across warmblood mares.
b)  For Thoroughbred / Arabian and Anglo-Arabian mares that have been inspected and approved for breeding by the NZWA to breed with warmblood stallions.
There will now be 5 Registries:
NZ Warmblood Register #1
For horses with at least 25% Warmblood breeding, and no more than 7% blood that is either non Warmblood, Thoroughbred or Arab and that:
a) are sired by a stallion that is in the NZ Warmblood Studbook or NZWA Stallion Pre-Stud Book (or are licensed for breeding by a WBFSH Stud Book and meet all NZWA pedigree criteria), and,
b)  are out of a mare that is in the NZ Warmblood Stud Book or NZWA Mare Pre-Stud Book, and,
c)  are DNA Parent Verified to both the sire and the dam
**  The biggest change is both mare and stallion now have to be in the studbook and the foal has to be fully DNA Parent Verified.  Also, there will be no more foal inspections to move up from what was Derivative to this register – instead, you are able to go from Register #2 or Derivative #1 into the Pre-Stud Book.  Progeny born from parents in the Pre-Stud Book are eligible for main stud book registration **
NZ Warmblood Register #2:
For horses with at least 25% Warmblood breeding, and no more than 7% blood that is either non Warmblood, Thoroughbred or Arab and that:
a)  are NOT sired by a stallion that is in the NZ Warmblood Studbook or NZWA Stallion Pre-Stud Book (or are NOT licensed for breeding by a WBFSH Stud Book and meet all NZWA pedigree criteria), and / or, 
b)  are NOT out of a mare that is in the NZ Warmblood Stud Book or NZWA Mare Pre-Stud Book, and / or
c)  are NOT DNA Parent Verified to both the sire and the dam
NB:  DNA is required only for Frozen Semen and Embryo Transfers.  Horses produced via chilled or fresh semen require a minimum of a Certificate of Service from the stallion owner.
(This register has very similar rules and regulations as for the current full register , eg DNA not required for fresh / chilled semen and you can be by an unlicenced stallion (although this currently takes a foal inspection to move onto the full register)
NZ Warmblood Derivative Register #1 :
For horses with at least 25% warmblood breeding that:
a) have no more than 13% unknown blood, or,
b) have no more than 13% blood other than the allowable WB / TB / Arab 
NB:  Mares and Stallions from Derivative Register #1 are eligible for the NZWB Pre-Stud Books
(This separates off the derivatives who are not eligible for the current full Register, but their progeny will be because their disallowed blood percentage will lessen to the acceptable 7% and allows these horses to enter the Pre Stud Book so that their progeny can be accepted for Warmblood Register #1)  It also allows this stock, which were formally, not able to be classified for breeding, to be classified and enter into the Pre Studbook, thus enabling their progeny to be fully eligible for the Warmblood Register #1 and therefore the Studbook.
NZ Warmblood Derivative Register #2 :
For horses with at least 25% warmblood breeding that: 
a) have more than 13% unknown blood and / or
b) have more than 13% blood other than the allowable WB / TB / Arab 
c) or be a pony who is by a licenced pony stallion but out of a mare that precludes acceptance into the Pony Register
NZ Warmblood Pony Register:
For ponies with 25% warmblood pony breeding that
a) are by a licenced pony stallion
b) are out of pony mares from the breeding population allowable under the NZ Warmblood Pony Rules

Categories: Latest NewsNumber of views: 3119



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